Black’s Move

What’s the biggest difference between Hydra and classical chess?

Since all pieces move just as they do in classical chess, the most noticeable difference in Hydra is the terrifying excitement of unpredictable scenarios you’ll never encounter in standard chess.  It’s the thrill of overcoming surprises you never conceived of or, conversely, the challenge of maintaining a temporary advantage long enough to capture a king.

Think you can tell who won the above game?  (It’s black’s move and that’s a pawn in the bottom right corner)

The following pictures (also of actual games) illustrate the above claim.  Not only will you never experience boards like these in standard chess, but no one will be able to accurately predict the winner by looking at these freeze frames:


Red’s move  (the orange king is white)


Black’s move


Black’s move


Black’s move  (and no, it’s not mate in one move)

(Remember, the above boards are not static – new pieces might be introduced on either side at any moment.)


Hydra Chess Computer



Octagon Knight
Hydra Knight