just the FAQs

HYDRA: frequently asked questions


Q: What happens if a player’s cards don’t match his remaining (reserve) pieces?

A: He forfeits. Unless his opponent has touched that deck – in which case we predict a fist fight.



Q: What happens when one king suddenly appears directly beside the other on a player’s Hydra row?

A: Easy. Whichever player has the next move wins. What? You’ve never seen a king kill a king?



Q: Can a pawn that reaches his opponent’s back row promote to ANY same color piece?

A: Yep.



Q: What if one player manages to occupy EVERY octagon on his opponent’s back row?

A: Great question. We’ve never seen it happen.



Q: When my opponent’s king suddenly appears on his back row, can I take it with a “pinned” piece to win the game?

A: Absolutely. The moment a king is captured the game is over, so it won’t matter that you are in check.



Q: What if we just want to keep the color in front of us and flip a coin to see who moves first?

A: Do it! The official HYDRA start is merely for those who wish to begin a game with strategy rather than an arbitrary coin toss. Rock/paper/scissors, arm wrestle – whatever you like – you do you.



Note: Any player concerned about “stacking the deck” may cut his opponent’s deck ONCE during the game.



“Shock Chess” might be a good name. ‘Cause it’s definitely shocking. At least the first time.



chess for people who aren’t afraid to win with the hand they are dealt

