This changes everything.
Chess with fangs.
Train like a superhero.
Outmaneuver Fate.
Hopscotch over landmines.
Remain calm and fight on.
Stay sharp.
Focus. Focus. Focus.
Overcome the odds.
Anticipate the unseen.
Things happen fast here.
There will be twists and turns . . .
Try not to PANIC.
Leap into the unknown.
Chess on meth.
Ain't scared.
This could be dangerous.
I dare me.
Pull a rabbit from a hat.
Bring your courage.
Dodge another bullet.
Take a big chance.
Triple your pulse.
Post traumatic chess.
Abra - ca - HYDRA
Breathe DEEPLY.
Consider vitamins.
Come out guns blazing.
Elevate your consciousness.
Forge ahead.
Burn calories with your brain.
Don't stop till a king is dead.
Get in "the zone."
Sacrifice that rook.
A rollercoaster for the mind.
Don't look down.
Level the playing field.
Tap into spontaneous creativity.
Hang on without a net.
Tame the anarchy.
Extreme Chess960.
"Not fair" just went home crying.
Be bolder.
Let go of the past - seize the present.
The bigger the risk, the bigger the payoff.
The odds are NEVER even. Win anyhow.